Excursion destinations & sights in Kleinwalsertal
Nature Life Park
A peaceful and fulfilling adventure for you and your soul.
Location: Riezlern, Tel: +43 5517 5929
St Jodok's parish church - church services
The parish church of St. Jodok is located in the centre of Mittelberg. Church services: Saturday 7.30 pm, Sunday 9.00 am and Thursday 7.30 pm as well as aloud.
Location: Mittelberg, Tel: +43 5517 5531
Waterfalls in Kleinwalsertal
Only accessible in summer.
Location: Schwarzwassertal, Wildental, Baad, etc.
Parish Church of the Immolation of the Virgin Mary - Church services
The Mariä Opferung parish church is located directly in the centre of Riezlern.
Location: Riezlern, Tel: +43 5517 5349
Leidtobel Chapel Maria Hilf
The Leidtobel chapel is located on the footpath (Leidtobel-Breitachweg) from Hirschegg to Riezlern.
Place: Hirschegg, Tel: +43 5517 5626
Leidtobel bridge
You will find this covered bridge structure on the hiking trail (Breitachweg) from Hirschegg to Riezlern.
Place: Hirschegg
Parish church of St. Anna - Church services
The parish church of St. Anna is located in the centre of Hirschegg. Church services: Saturday 7.00 pm, Sunday 10.30 am and Tuesday 7.00 pm and.
Place: Hirschegg, Tel: +43 5517 5626
Lourdes Chapel
The Lourdes Chapel is located directly behind the parish church in Mittelberg.
Location: Mittelberg, Tel: +43 5517 5531
Winter mountain forest in the Mittelberg music pavilion
Throughout the winter you can admire the life-size wooden animals in the winter mountain forest.
Location: Mittelberg
Wildental energy centre
A strong geomagnetic radiation can be felt here, which can have a revitalising, stimulating and healing effect on us humans.
Location: Mittelberg
Fatima Chapel Maria Dank
The Maria Dank Fatima Chapel is located in the Riezlern-Schwende district.
Location: Riezlern, Tel: +43 5517 5349
Unterwestegg Chapel Maria Hilf
The Unterwestegg chapel Maria Hilf is located in the district of Unterwestegg/entrance to Riezlern.
Place: Riezlern, Tel: +43 5517 5349
War memorial
The war memorial is located below the Gasthof Kreuz in Hirschegg.
Place: Hirschegg
Kreuzkirche - place of interest
The Protestant Kreuzkirche is located in Hirschegg ‘Am Berg’. Church services: Sunday 10.00 a.m. and on request.
Place: Hirschegg, Tel: +43 5517 5488, Homepage: http://www.kleinwalsertal-evangelisch.de
Sulphur spring
If you take the Breitachweg to Riezlern after the Leidtobel bridge, you will reach the old sulphur spring after about a ten-minute walk.
Place: Hirschegg
Brother Klaus Chapel
The Bruder Klaus Chapel is located in the Wäldele district of Hirschegg.
Place: Hirschegg, Tel: +43 5517 5626
The Gottesackerplateau is only accessible in summer with very good equipment and mountain experience or with a mountain guide and only in good weather.
Place: Hirschegg
Breitach Gorge
The Breitachklamm gorge is located between Kleinwalsertal and Tiefenbach. Walserbus line 1 - stop Walserschanze
Place: Riezlern, Tel: +49 8322 987670, Homepage: https://www.breitachklamm.com
Only accessible in summer: Kessellöcher - clearly visible from the steps leading to the Schwarzwassertalstrasse.
Place: Hirschegg
St Martin's Chapel
The chapel in Baad is located on the Höhenweg.
Location: Mittelberg, Tel: +43 5517 5531
Natural bridge
This piece of nature is particularly attractive when the sun shines in the early afternoon. ATTENTION: small descent via a ladder!
Place: Hirschegg
Herb garden at Alpengasthof Hörnlepass. In the Alpine herb garden at Alpengasthof Hörnlepass you can taste and feel very special natural treasures.
Location: Riezlern, Tel: +43 5517 57070, Homepage: http://www.hoernlepass.at